This is the workout for 12-6-2010.

So we’ve had four days off. What to do, what to do, what to do?

How about an encore CORE workout.

Similar to before. But different as always. Looks simple…maybe “easy”. Looks are deceiving. It was tough!!

Music: Fudge Tunnel. T-Shirt: Southeastern Martial Arts Conference.

Start: Seated Core Stuff

We are all using plates of various weights. Red (45lb), Blue (35lb), Yellow (25lb) and Green (10lb). After doing 1000 crunches to In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida without totally destroying ourselves…time to raise the bar…again!

  1. Sit Up/Side to Side 3 x 10
  2. Windshield Wipers 3 x 10
  3. Plate to Toes 3 x 10
  4. Plate Jackknife 3 x 10
  5. Extended Arms Leg Raises 3 x 15
  6. Seated Twists Legs Elevated 3 x 10
  7. Seated Leg Raises Plate Overhead 3 x 10
  8. Lemon Squeezers Plate Overhead 3 x 10

Next: Time for some Dynamic Core. Killer Stuff.

  1. Plyo Push Ups 2 x 25 Yards
  2. Plate Pull Throughs 2 x 25 Yards
  3. Forward Hops with Plate 2 x 25 Yards
  4. Backward Hops with Plate 2 x 25 Yards

Last: Standing Plate Core Stuff.

  1. Plate Pushes 3 x 20
  2. Overhead Twists (Halos) 3 x 10
  3. Plate Good Mornings 3 x 10
  4. Standing Twist/Pause in Middle 3 x 6

Time for the video: 


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