Quads, Hams, Glutes with a side of Abs!

Posted: March 11, 2013 in Circuit Training, Core, Exercise, fitness, Glutes, lose fat
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Image1Workout for 3/4/2013.

Music: The Beatles. T-shirt: Jayhawks.

The hamstring and glute burn just weren’t enough the other day.

We did the same hamstring/glute stuff but added quads in there.

Made for a lovely walk later on.Image4

First: Quads, Hamstrings and Glutes Circuit

14 Stations, 4 Cycles

20, 15, 10, 5 reps for quads

15, 10, 8, 5 reps for  HS/glutes

  1. Keg CurlsImage11
  2. DB Squats
  3. Slideboard Curls
  4. Toes Up Squats
  5. Furniture Slider Curls
  6. Jump Squats
  7. Bridges
  8. Sissy SquatsImage13
  9. Small Keg Curls
  10. Chair Squats
  11. Ball Curls
  12. Squat to Ball
  13. Foam Roller Curls
  14. Band Squats

Second: Abs

25 Reps EachImage7


Crossed Knee Crunches Both Sides

Crossed Knee Crunches Feet Off Floor Both Sides

Crossed Knee Crunches Feet Off Floor Knee Straight Both Sides

Feet to Ceiling CrunchesImage9

Crunches Legs Straight on Floor

Crunches Leg Raise Position

Side Crunches

Side Crunches with Side Leg Raises


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