Archive for the ‘hitt’ Category

Workout for 7-8-2019



Today was what I call “my birthday workout”.

The last couple of years it was so hard it took 2 days to complete.

I was thinking this could be done in one day and it was.

62 Different exercises spread into 7 rounds.

Hell it wasn’t too bad…

First Round:

BB Curls

EZ Bar Triceps Extensions

Flat DB Flyes

Incline DB Press

Swiss Ball Crunches w/Medicine Ball

Tube Side Laterals

Plate Upright Rows

Pushups Feet on Chair

Preacher Curls

Inverted Row Overhand Grip


Second Round:

Overhead Presses

EZ Bar Curls

Bent DB Laterals

Supported DB Rows

Pushups Feet on Swiss Ball

Tube Curls

Plate Pushes

Chair Squats Medicine Ball in Front

Reverse Preacher Curls

Inverted Row Underhand Grip

Third Round:

Squat BB Curls

EZ Bar Reverse Curls

Bench Dips

Incline DB Flyes

Pushups Hands on Swiss Ball

Tube Upright Rows

Plate Twists

Chair Squats Medicine Ball Overhead

DB Preacher Curls

Inverted Rows Deadlift Grip


Fourth Round:  

BB Reverse Curls

Nose Breakers

DB Curls

KB Swings

Chest Crusher


Plate Pullthroughs

Parallette Pushups Feet on Chair

Jump Rope

Roman Chair w/Medicine Ball


Fifth Round:

Standing BB Wrist Curls

Close Grip Bench

Hammer Curls

KB Sit Ups

Chest Crusher Curls

Band Triceps Extensions

Plate Press

Parallette Lemon Squeezers

Incline Situps w/Medicine Ball

Back Extensions w/Medicine Ball

Sixth Round:

BB Stifflegged Deadlifts

DB Rows

DB Triceps Extensions

KB Clean Press

Chest Crusher Between Knees

Straight Arm PushDowns

Bent Over Twists

Leg Spreaders on Parallettes

Incline Leg Raises

Medicine Ball Slams

Seventh Round:

Finally only 2 left!

Burpees 10 reps

Grass Drills 10 reps




Workout for 5-6-2019



A return to body weight today.

We did “one movement” and followed that with throwing the dice.

These dice in particular have exercises and rep/time schemes.

Sometimes things were easy, say 10 reps of crunches.

Sometimes things were a lot harder, say 90 seconds of maximum reps for walking lunges.

So we really had no idea what was coming.

And yes…harder than it looks written down

First Thing:

Inchworms 1 Push Up, Down and Back

Roll Dice:

  • Squats 30 reps
  • Push Ups Max for 30 sec
  • Walking Lunges Max for 30 sec
  • Crunches 30 reps
  • Crunches 10 reps
  • Push Ups 10 reps
  • Walking Lunges Max for 30 sec


Inchworms 2 Push Ups, Down and Back

Roll Dice:

  • Walking Lunges 30 reps
  • Jumping Jacks 10 reps
  • Walking Lunges 10 reps
  • Squats Max reps for 60 sec
  • Push Ups 20 reps
  • Push Ups Max for 30 sec
  • Jumping Jacks 10 reps
  • Jumping Jacks 30 reps

Second Thing:

Long Lunges, Down and Back

Roll Dice:

  • Mountain Climbers 30 reps
  • Squats Max for 60 sec
  • Walking Lunges Mas for 90 sec
  • Push Ups 10 reps
  • Crunches 20 reps
  • Walking Lunges Max for 30 sec
  • Squats 20 reps
  • Push Ups 30 reps

Side Lunges, Down and Back

Roll Dice:

  • Crunches Max for 30 sec
  • Side Hip Ups Max for 60 sec
  • Jumping Jacks Max for 30 sec
  • Wide Squats 20 reps
  • High Kicks 5 reps each leg
  • Squats Max for 60 sec
  • Walking Lunges Max for 60 sec
  • Push Ups 10 reps

Third Thing:

Push Up/Jump Up/Jump Out, Down and Back

Roll Dice:

  • Walking Lunges 30 reps
  • Jumping Jacks Max for 60 sec
  • Crunches 10 reps
  • Crunches 10 reps
  • Push Ups Max for 30 sec
  • Jumping Jacks 30 reps
  • Push Ups Max for 60 sec
  • Walking Lunges Max for 60 sec


Push Up/Roll, Down and Back

Roll Dice:

  • Push Ups Max for 60 sec
  • Jumping Jacks Max for 60 sec
  • Jumping Jacks Max for 60 sec
  • Crunches 20 reps
  • Squats Max for 30 sec
  • Squats Max for 90 sec
  • Walking Lunges Max for 90 sec
  • Crunches Max for 30 sec



Workout for 3-25-2019

T-Shirt: Normal Shit

Music: From 1974

I decided to do a circuit again but a bit different.

We do something called a Dumbbell Ladder.

We have 10 sets of DBs on a row from 10 lbs to 55 lbs. We’ll do 5 reps on each set of DBs from the 10 pounders to the 55 pounders. If someone can’t finish to the 55s they will go up to their limit and stay at that weight for sets of 5 until they hit 10 total sets.

Then there will be the rest of the circuit at 10 reps each.

  • Band Push Downs
  • Plate Pushes
  • Squat Med Ball Overhead
  • Plate Curls
  • Squat Med Ball In Front
  • Plate Upright Rows
  • Squat Jump Slam Med Ball
  • Parallettes bars Legs In/Out
  • Roman Chair w/Med Ball
  • Incline Sit Ups w/Med Ball
  • Incline Leg Raises
  • Wheel
  • Flat Leg Raises

The first ladder we did squats. Once we completed the round we didn’t stop but did overhead pressed with the DBs.
After that we had a water break but went right back at it.

This time we went through the whole thing twice again but did biceps curls the first time around and triceps extensions the second time around.


Long Lunges (Forward/Backward)


Short Lunges, Knee to Heel (Forward/Backward)

Butt Rolls

Side Lunges Twist

Roll with a Push Up


High Kick Out/In

High Kick In/out

High Kick Straight up

We still a had a little more time so we did some inchworms with one pushup but on the way back we did 2 push ups.




Workout for 3-18-2019

T-Shirt: Ask Your Doctor….

Music: Old Stuff

We’ve done a lot of circuit training in the past…but not like this!

I set up only 11 stations. Usually we would go through it once at 10 reps then again at maybe 12-15 reps or even do some abs in between each station.

Not this time.


This time we went through the circuit only once.

However…we did 100 reps at each station before moving on to the other!

Sure we couldn’t use as much weight for the whole thing but who cares!?

And no one did 100 reps without a bit of a pause during the set.

This was challenging and well hard enough to do it again!

The stations:

Chair Squats

Leg Curls w/beer keg

BB Curls

EZ Triceps Extension

Incline DB Press

Band Triceps Push

Tube Curls

Plate Upright Rows

DB Side Laterals

DB Curls

Bench Dips



Workout for 7-30-2018

T-Shirt: Make Improvements Not Excuses

Music: Foo Fighters (I think)

Unfamiliar with Tabatas?

Dr. Izumi Tabata (of The National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Tokyo) developed a protocol to increase both aerobic and anaerobic conditioning. “Tabata” workouts are brief, but extremely intense.

When I say we are doing “Tabatas” I am extrapolating from the research of Dr. Tabata. Meaning we take an exercise and bust your ass for 20 seconds followed by a 10 second break. The process is repeated 8 times. A less than 4 minute process.


8 Exercises as described above:


  1. Chair Squats
  2. Push Ups
  3. Leg Raises
  4. Chair Bridges
  5. Toe Hops
  6. Lemon Squeezers
  7. Crunches
  8. Chair Burpees


And Then:

Stretching with a beverage of choice: Water or Beer





 Workout for 7-11-2018 and 7-16-2018

T-Shirt: “You Can Go Home Now” and “60 Is The New 40”

Music:  Old Stuff

My birthday was on July 5th. I didn’t have a birthday workout because I was in Las Vegas for UFC International Fight Week.

But when I got back I had a plan…

“61” was the theme because that’s the number of this birthday. So I had to make a play off that.

So I thought I’d add a zero at the end. Heck that was only 610 reps of whatever we were going to do…so I added a couple more things.

We ended up doing 610 Chair Squats, Burpees, and Pushups. However this workout ended up like last year…It took 2 days. Partly because of the heat, some because it was hard, and partly because I started adding some stretching the last 10 minutes of the workouts to kinda cool off/drink some water (or beer) before jumping in the car and heading home!

We aren’t judgmental. Some folks did “complete good form” reps and some folks did modified reps. Didn’t really matter. Everyone was going to be doing at the minimum of 610 of each exercise.

And a few people did more!

Not me!!!

Day One started at 102 degrees. Day Two was in the upper 90s.

Day One Instructions:

  1. Get a pen/paper.
  2. Do 12 Chair Squats, 12 Pushups, 12 Burpees.
  3. Write “1”.
  4. Repeat to “50”.
  5. Then do 10 more reps of each exercise.

“Cool down”??

Stretching with beverage of choice: Water or Beer

Day Two Instructions:

  1. Get a pen/paper.
  2. Do 12 Chair Squats, 12 Pushups, 12 Burpees.
  3. Write “1”.
  4. Repeat to “50”.
  5. Then do 10 more reps of each exercise

“Cool down”…Again!!??

Some more stretching with beverage of choice: Water or Beer

Video 1:


Workout for 7-9-2018


Music: Old Stuff
It’s been hot! Duh? It’s July and we’re in Georgia!
I tell people we have air in the winter and heat in the summer. Pretty much true.

The later part of the workout we had an “indoor snow ball fight”. Yep, part of the workout. May sound easy but it isn’t. It’s tough…but it’s kinda fun.


First: Warm Up???

We usually use agility ladders during the winter for a warm up. Then gradually strip away the clothes. I decided to use them today just for the hell of it.

Agility Ladder and Burpees. Each drill done down and back with 3 burpees in between each. 9 Different foot drills, down and back. Total of 6 burpees each drill. Simple math, 54 burpees.

Second: Chair Squats

Lean back when standing and lean back when seated.

  • 20 Wide
  • 20 Not so Wide
  • 20 Feet just outside of chair legs
  • 20 Feet just inside of chair legs
  • 20 Feet together
  • 10 Left foot in front of Right
  • 10 Right foot in front of Left
  • 10 Left foot back Lunge Squat
  • 10 Right foot back Lunge Squat


Third: Chair Squats and Poles

Squat, twist, lean back when seated

  • 20 Wide
  • 20 Not so Wide
  • 20 Feet just outside of chair legs
  • 20 Feet just inside of chair legs
  • 20 Feet together

Fourth: Chairs, Poles, Modified Burpees

Squat, twist, lean back when seated

3 Modified or Chair burpees after each set of squats.

  • 10 Wide
  • 10 Not so Wide
  • 10 Feet just outside of chair legs
  • 10 Feet just inside of chair legs
  • 10 Feet together

Fifth: Indoor “Snowball Fight”

A pile of white socks for the snowballs.

On “GO” everyone runs and gets one “ball”. You are only allowed one ball in your hand at a time.

You try and hit other people. You have to jump up to throw the “ball”. If they get hit they get hit they must do 5 push ups before they can get back in the game.

The first round was for 4 minutes. Doesn’t sound like much but it was tiring!

The second round lasted 3 minutes but instead of push up we did 2 burpees with push ups if you got hit.

Sixth: “Cool down”??

Stretching with beverage of choice: Water or Beer.

And it did “cool off” by the end of the hour!



Workout: 7-10 and 12 -2017

TShirt: Surely Not Everyone Was Kung Fu Fighting and Life Begins at 60, 1957 Birth of Legends

Music: No clue, don’t remember…and the fans are loud!

I turned 60 years old. So did Jose. So as workout tribute to any 60 year old out there we did a workout that consisted of 60 different exercises 60 reps each. I added one exercise for the heck of it. So make that 61 exercises at 60 reps each. Sure some were easier that others but easy is relative.

The temperature of the gym was 102 on Monday and 104 on Wednesday.

Oh and a good time was had by all!!!!


Day One:

  1. Chair Squats
  2. Crunches
  3. Leg Raises Top
  4. Leg Raises Bottom
  5. Leg Raises Middle
  6. Leg Raises Full
  7. Side Hip Ups
  8. Chair Dips
  9. Chair Leg Raises
  10. Feet on chair Push Ups
  11. Chair Lemon Squeezers
  12. Feet Together Squats
  13. Reverse Crunches
  14. (B) Toe Hops
  15. Ground Up Push Ups
  16. Elbows to Knees
  17. Elbows to Opposite Knee
  18. Bottoms Up Squats
  19. Long Lunge
  20. Jumping Jacks
  21. Push Ups hands on Chair
  22. Table
  23. Plank Hold
  24. Rear Lunge
  25. Flying Squirrel Hold
  26. Prone Arm/Leg Lifts
  27. Short Lunge
  28. Bridge Hold
  29. Chair Squat Jumps
  30. Kettlebell Swings
  31. Chair One Leg Bridge Hold
  32. Chair Bridges
  33. Bridge Reach Backs
  34. One Leg Plank
  35. Mountain Climbers
  36. Plate Upright Rows
  37. Plate Pushes
  38. Chair Lunge

Day 2:

  1. Chair Squat Right/Left, Left/Right
  2. Chair kicks, outside to inside
  3. Chair kicks, inside to outside
  4. Plate Curls
  5. Overhead Plate Press
  6. Plate Pushes
  7. Lunge Hops
  8. Standing Triceps Ext
  9. One Leg Squats
  10. Plate Bicep Isometric
  11. 90/90 Chair Crunches
  12. Plate Front Raises
  13. Hands to feet crunches
  14. Plate Twist
  15. One Leg Squats/Foot On Chair
  16. Feet on Chair Push Up Hand Hops
  17. Chair Mtn Climber
  18. Chair Wide Squat facing back of chair
  19. Windmills
  20. Feet on Chair hand walks L to R 123 456
  21. Feet to ceiling hip ups
  22. Chair Toe Taps
  23. Side Lunge foot on chair

Video 1:

Video 2:

Workout for 7-5-2017
Music: Heavy Metal Covers

So this happened on July 5th, 2017. It was my birthday.

I turned the “ripe young age” of 60!

But this workout wasn’t about me. No, this workout was all about James.

James turned 40 (such a youngster) about a week earlier but had been out of town so we couldn’t celebrate his birthday until he returned!

So what did he get for his birthday?


And plenty of them!

We only did 10 reps…but…we did 40 different versions.

So 400 reps…

Actually about 410. James’ brother Matt came up with the last one!

And here are the burpees:

  • Just a Regular Burpee
  • Burpees Legs Wide
  • Burpees Feet Together
  • Burpees legs close, spread wide, close again
  • Frogger Burpees
  • Burpees w/one arm
  • Burpees w/one leg
  • Burpees w/one leg, one arm
  • Burpees w/Push Up
  • Burpees Shoot Feet Onto Chair
  • Clap Overhead Burpees
  • Burpees with clapping push up
  • Burpees with hand hops
  • Jump Lunge HopsBurpees
  • Burpees w/opposite hand to shoulder tap
  • Burpees Shoot Feet Onto Chair and a pushup
  • High Knees Burpees (slap thighs)
  • Burpees w/Ground Up Push Up
  • Burpees w/Twisting Mountain Climbers
  • Burpees w/double Mountain Climber (both feet forward 2 times)
  • Burpees w/Heel to opposite hand behind back standing
  • Burpees w/Foot to opposite hand in front standing
  • Burpees with push up, hands walk back to feet, stand, lean back
  • Burpees opposite hand to foot in push up position
  • Burpees opposite hand to foot in push up position with push up
  • Burpees w/Front Kick
  • Burpees w/Crescent kick in
  • Burpees w/ Crescent kick out
  • Burpees w/High Rising Kick
  • Burpees w/Rotational Push Up
  • Burpees w/Mountain Climbers
  • Burpees knee to opposite elbow
  • Burpees knee to same side elbow
  • Burpees w/Mountain Climbers Foot up to Hand
  • Traveling burpees forward with ball
  • Traveling burpees backward with ball
  • Traveling burpees sideways with ball
  • Traveling burpees sideways with ball slam
  • Traveling burpees backward with ball slam
  • Traveling burpees forward with ball slam
  • Traveling burpees, jump/twist with med ball



Image12Workout for 5-11-2016

T-Shirt: Villains

Music: Jimi Hendrix

It’s just Spring but it is already starting to feel like Summer!

Sweat poured but everyone kept on going.

Wonder what August will be like?

First Round:Image1

16 Stations

30 Seconds, Max Reps at Each Station

  1. “Battling Chains”
  2. Swiss Ball Crunches w/Medicine Ball
  3. Keg Bear Hug Carry
  4. Ab Chair w/Medicine BallImage5
  5. Overhead Triceps Band Extensions
  6. Bench Dips
  7. Plate Upright Rows
  8. Bar Overhead Presses
  9. DB Curls
  10. Lying EZ Triceps Extensions
  11. Sit Ups w/Medicine BallImage6
  12. Incline Leg Raises
  13. Ab Chair w/Medicine Ball
  14. Chair Squat Medicine Ball Toss Overhead
  15. Medicine Ball Slams
  16. Push Up on Plates, Low Position

Second Round:

Same 16 exercises as the First Round.Image8

But add 5 Burpees after each station.

Should be enough stuff!

Third Round:

Thought the second round would take us to the end of the workout!Image14

Nope! Still had some time on the clock.

So we did 8 reps of everything.

And: Core/Abs

Crap! Still had some time to kill!

So some medicine ball ab stuff.Image17

13 Medicine Balls, 8-24 pounds.

Seated Leg Raises, Ball Overhead, 10 Reps Each Ball

Seated Twists, Legs Up, 6 Reps Each Ball

Ball To Ceiling Crunches, 5 Reps Each Ball
