Squats, Push Ups, ABs, and KB Swings

Posted: January 17, 2020 in Body Weight, Core, Core Abs, Exercise, fitness, High Intensity, Push ups
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Workout for 1-15-2020


Music: 38 Special

Almost all body weight workout.

The only weight used was a kettle bell.

Total of 100 push ups, 260 leg reps, 250 ab reps, and 460 KB Swings!

First: Legs and Kettlebell Swings

26 exercises,10 Reps for Legs followed by 10 KB Swings, No rest

  • Chair Squats Wide Feet
  • Chair Squats One Foot Width In
  • Chair Squats Feet Outside of Chair Legs
  • Chair Squats Feet Inside of Chair Legs
  • Chair Squats Feet Together
  • Chair Squats Right Foot In Front of Left
  • Chair Squats Left Foot In Front of Right
  • Chair Squats Right Leg In Front Lunge
  • Chair Squats Left Leg in Front Lunge
  • Chair Squats Right Foot Over Left
  • Chair Squats Left Foot Over Right
  • Chair Squats Right Single Leg Squats
  • Chair Squats Left Single Leg Squats
  • Chair Tip Toe Squats
  • Jump Squats
  • Right Foot On Chair Lunge
  • Left Foot On Chair Lunge
  • Bridges Right Foot On Chair, Left On Floor
  • Bridges Left Foot On Chair, Right On Floor
  • Bridges Right Foot Front Chair, Left Rear Chair
  • Bridges Left Foot Front Chair, Right Rear Chair
  • Bridges Feet Wide
  • Bridges Feet Together
  • Bridges Right Leg
  • Bridges Left Leg
  • Bridges Feet On End Of Chair, Knees Locked, Butt Up

Second: Push Ups and Kettlebell Swings

10 types of Push Ups, 10r followed by 10 Alternate KB Swings, No rest

  • Wide Hands
  • Regular
  • Hands Next to Chest
  • Right Hand Wide, Left Normal
  • Left Hand Wide, Right Normal
  • Diamond” Push Ups
  • Walkout Pus Ups
  • Cobra Push Ups
  • Ground Up Push Ups
  • Feet On Chair Push Ups

Third: Abs and Kettlebell Swings

10 types of AB stuff, 10r followed by 10 Alternate KB Swings, No rest

  • Crunches
  • Leg Raises
  • Lemon Squeezers
  • Feet to Ceiling/Hands to Feet
  • Seated Leg Raises
  • Opposite Elbow to Knee
  • Seated Leg Sways
  • Feet Wide to Ceiling, Opposite Hand to Foot
  • Supine, Arms Over Head, Crunches
  • Full Sit Ups


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