Archive for the ‘T Shirts’ Category

Workout: 7-10 and 12 -2017

TShirt: Surely Not Everyone Was Kung Fu Fighting and Life Begins at 60, 1957 Birth of Legends

Music: No clue, don’t remember…and the fans are loud!

I turned 60 years old. So did Jose. So as workout tribute to any 60 year old out there we did a workout that consisted of 60 different exercises 60 reps each. I added one exercise for the heck of it. So make that 61 exercises at 60 reps each. Sure some were easier that others but easy is relative.

The temperature of the gym was 102 on Monday and 104 on Wednesday.

Oh and a good time was had by all!!!!


Day One:

  1. Chair Squats
  2. Crunches
  3. Leg Raises Top
  4. Leg Raises Bottom
  5. Leg Raises Middle
  6. Leg Raises Full
  7. Side Hip Ups
  8. Chair Dips
  9. Chair Leg Raises
  10. Feet on chair Push Ups
  11. Chair Lemon Squeezers
  12. Feet Together Squats
  13. Reverse Crunches
  14. (B) Toe Hops
  15. Ground Up Push Ups
  16. Elbows to Knees
  17. Elbows to Opposite Knee
  18. Bottoms Up Squats
  19. Long Lunge
  20. Jumping Jacks
  21. Push Ups hands on Chair
  22. Table
  23. Plank Hold
  24. Rear Lunge
  25. Flying Squirrel Hold
  26. Prone Arm/Leg Lifts
  27. Short Lunge
  28. Bridge Hold
  29. Chair Squat Jumps
  30. Kettlebell Swings
  31. Chair One Leg Bridge Hold
  32. Chair Bridges
  33. Bridge Reach Backs
  34. One Leg Plank
  35. Mountain Climbers
  36. Plate Upright Rows
  37. Plate Pushes
  38. Chair Lunge

Day 2:

  1. Chair Squat Right/Left, Left/Right
  2. Chair kicks, outside to inside
  3. Chair kicks, inside to outside
  4. Plate Curls
  5. Overhead Plate Press
  6. Plate Pushes
  7. Lunge Hops
  8. Standing Triceps Ext
  9. One Leg Squats
  10. Plate Bicep Isometric
  11. 90/90 Chair Crunches
  12. Plate Front Raises
  13. Hands to feet crunches
  14. Plate Twist
  15. One Leg Squats/Foot On Chair
  16. Feet on Chair Push Up Hand Hops
  17. Chair Mtn Climber
  18. Chair Wide Squat facing back of chair
  19. Windmills
  20. Feet on Chair hand walks L to R 123 456
  21. Feet to ceiling hip ups
  22. Chair Toe Taps
  23. Side Lunge foot on chair

Video 1:

Video 2:

77th workout of the year,7/25/2011.

Music: Red Hot Chili Peppers. T-Shirt: Facts You Need To Know About Chuck Norris.

It’s somebody’s birthday again!

You do know what that means.


It means there will be some type of numerical theme to the workout in honor of the birthday person.

Today’s Magic Number?


Yep he’s a youngster!


Chair Squats

3 Sets of 100

1 Set of 50

Total Reps: 350


Ground Up Push Ups

14 Sets of 25

Total Reps: 350



Did we do 350? No…we were running out of time.

We “only” did 135.

4 Sets of 25 and 1 set of 35.


72nd workout of the 7/11/2011.

Music: Five Finger Death Punch. T-Shirt: JONESERCISE.

Oh yeah! Still feeling the abs from the last workout. Can’t believe how long the sensation has lingered.

Will be doing that one again…that is after we add some more stuff to it.

But in the mean time we have today’s workout.

Time to get back on the circuit cycle!

First: Circuit Training

12 Exercises, 30 Sec Each Station, Max Reps for 3 Cycles

Yep 3 Cycles!

DB Incline Press

Inverted Row

Vertimax Laterals

Push Ups Feet Elevated

BB Curls

Ball on the Wall Push Ups

Plate Raises

Ab Pullins

Bosu Squats

“L” Sits

Step Run

Weighted Jump Rope

Second: Core/Abs

Bridge Holds 5 Minutes

Stay up for 30 sec/down/right back up.

Seated Leg Raise 5 Minutes

Stay up for 30 sec/down/right back up.


59th workout of the year, 6/6/2011.

Music: The Beatles. T-Shirt: The Beatles.

The All Core Saturday took its toll on everyone involved.

Exactly as planned…or unplanned that is.

Today we are going to “re-purpose” a workout we did in the past.

What do I mean “re-purpose”?

Make it harder!

Warm Up:

No…again not today. Straight to the Sweatfest!

This still seems kinda easy on paper. But add up the reps before you try it. No need. Simple math. I’ll do it for you.

Total Ground Up Push Ups: 400.

Total Leg Reps: 800.

This will totally blast the upper and lower body.

8 Types of Leg Work.

While the legs get a rest the upper gets blasted with the push ups.

  • Chair Lunges 50 Each Leg
  •                  50 Ground Up Push Ups
  • Chair Jump Squats 100
  •             50 Ground Up Push Ups
  • Hopping Lunges 50 each leg
  •             50 Ground up Push ups
  • Short Lunges 50 reps each leg
  •             50 Ground up Push ups
  • Single leg squats 50
  •             50 Ground up Push ups
  • Step-ups on chair 50
  •             50 Ground up Push ups
  • Long Lunges 50 reps each leg
  •             50 Ground up Push ups
  • Squats 100
  •             50 Ground up Push ups



Not today!



55th workout of the year, 5/28/2011.

Music: Funk Mix. T-Shirt: Warrior Dash.

This is the first workout since doing all the lunges 5 days ago.

Man! The legs were toast for days. There was still some residual soreness today!

So are we gonna by pass the legs today? Hell no! We’re gonna jump right in there!

First: Jump Squats and Incline Push Ups

I guess you could call this a bit of a warm up. Of course to some people this would have been a workout.

That’s because we did 5 sets of 20 Reps Each. Count ’em…100 reps for each movement.

Second: One Leg Squats and Decline Push Ups

You could call this a continuation of the warm up or just another days workout. Or you could just call it craziness!

Try to do 5 sets of 10 like we did. Come on try it!

Third: Unconventional Circuit Training

9 Stations, 30 Seconds Each Station

Maximum Reps, 5 Cycles

We don’t like to rest. The only rest we take is going from one exercise to another.

Bozu Squats

Crunches on Ball

Weighted Jump Rope

Leg Raises

One Leg Squats

Stool Racers

Bosu Push Ups

Reverse Leg Raises



53rd workout of the year, 5/21/2011.

Music: Classic Rock Mix. T-Shirt: Everyday is Training Day.

Is this just another lazy Saturday morning? No!

It’s time for an encore of All Core Saturday!

Warm Up: 

Agility Ladder Drills

Here they are again: The Ladder!

After a Friday night at various eateries and drinkeries sometimes you just gotta have a warm up.

Next: Medicine Ball Core Work

And nothing but! 20 Different exercises with 6 balls from 6 – 12 pounds.

After finishing the reps for each ball we pass it to the right until we get the ball we started with.

The ones marked with an * are movements we’ve never done.

  1. Sit Up/Twists 5 Reps
  2. Seated Leg Raises Ball Overhead 10 Reps
  3. Seated Leg Raises Ball Overhead in one hand 5 Reps Each Hand
  4. Lemon Squeezers Ball in Front 10 Reps
  5. Crunches Ball Up the Middle 10 Reps
  6. On Side Side Crunches 5 Reps Each Side*
  7. Crunches Ball Overhead in one hand 5 Reps Each Hand
  8. Leg Raises Ball in Outstretched Arms 10 Reps
  9. Leg Raises Ball in Outstretched Arm 5 Reps Each Side*
  10. 4 Count Sit Up 10 Reps*
  11. Ball Overhead Flutter Kick 10 Reps Each Side
  12. Seated Foot to Ball 5 Reps Each Side
  13. Side Crunches 5 Reps Each Side
  14. Jackknife Ball to Feet 10 Reps
  15. Side Jackknife Ball to Feet 5 Reps Each Side*
  16. Feet Wide Ball to each foot 5 Reps Each Side
  17. Prone Back Extensions Knees Straight 10 Reps
  18. Prone Back Extensions Knees Bent 10 Reps*
  19. Seated Leg Raise Ball Between Feet 10 Reps*
  20. Hand to Feet Jackknife 5 Reps*


41st workout of the year, 4/16/2011.

Music: Fudge Tunnel. T-Shirt: Helen Back, A bar in Ft. Walton Beach that serves some really great pizza!

Everyone was sore from the Dumbbell Mania workout.

After all the dumbbell trauma it’s time to return to an all body weight (almost) screamer…which can be just as hard as using weights.

And it was.

First: Squat Variations

11 Stations, 10 Reps Each Station, 3 Cycles

  1. Butt to Ball Squat
  2. Toes Up Squats
  3. Balance Disc Squats
  4. Air Ex Pad Squats
  5. Wide Squats
  6. Incline Board Squats
  7. Med Ball Held In Front Squats
  8. Med Ball Overhead Squats
  9. Bosu Up Squats
  10. Bosu Down Squats
  11. Jumps Squats

Next: Push Up Variations

9 Stations, 6 Reps Each Station, 3 Cycles

  1. Wide Push Ups
  2. Balance Discs Push Ups
  3. Push Ups w/Dumbbell Rows
  4. Air Ex Pad Push Ups
  5. Bosu Up Push Ups
  6. Bosu Down Push Ups
  7. Ball On The Wall Push Ups
  8. Med Ball Push Ups
  9. Hopping Med Ball Push Ups

As If That Wasn’t Enough: Core/Abs

  1. Standing Heel Touches 10 Each Side
  2. Sliding Tables 15
  3. Table 1 Minute
  4. One Leg Table 30 Sec Each Side
  5. One Leg Table Leg High 30 Sec Each Side
  6. Plank 1 Minute
  7. One Leg Plank 30 Sec Each Side
  8. One Arm Plank 30 Sec Each Side
  9. One Leg/One Arm Plank 30 Each Side


39th workout of the year, 4/11/2011.

Music: The Offspring and Me First and the Gimme Gimmes. T-Shirt: Fudpuckers.

The soreness from the last workout finally left. So what can we do to raise the bar again?

Well today the magic number is 44. Yep another birthday. So should we do a lot of things for 44 reps?


How bout multiples of 44? Yeah…that sounds more like it.

Today was one of the most simple yet effective body weight conditioning workouts we’ve done.

3 exercises.

Only 3?

Only 3!

How many reps?

Let’s keep them on the low side. Say only 10 reps per exercise.

I can hear it now, “I thought this was going to be tough?”

Only 10 reps?

Yep 10 reps for each exercise.

The catch? There’s gotta be a catch!

Well you gotta do 44 sets.

That adds up to a total of:

440 Squats

440 Push Ups

440 Burpees

1320 Total Reps.

I think that will be enough to celebrate a 44th birthday!

Video: You’d think this would be short. It could have been. I was playing around with it so it’s much longer than expected.

38th workout of the year, 4/6/2011.

Music: Green Day. T-Shirt: Have You Seen My Zombie. Get it at WalMart.

I may sound like a broken record (or a scratched CD) because we usually don’t workout two days in a row much less three but this week that’s what we are doing. As always the workouts are different.

Some soreness from yesterday and the day before but nothing we can’t live with.

Today we are going to continue with the “beach body” quest with an all bodyweight-all body exercise program.

This is another exercise program that can be done anywhere…at home…at a hotel…or at the beach!

First…well actually this is the only thing we did.

Don’t let the simplicity fool you. This is a difficult marathon of a workout. You will feel it…guaranteed!

You’ll do 5 squat variations and 5 push up variations. 10 Reps on the Push Up variations and 20 Reps on the Squat variations.

Yeah…doesn’t sound too bad. However you have to do this for 10 Cycles.

That equals a total of 1000 Squats and 500 Push Ups.

Now how easy do you think it’ll be?

  1. Regular Pushups
  2. Regular Squats
  3. Wide Arm Pushups
  4. Wide Leg Squats
  5. Hands Together Pushups
  6. Feet Together Squats
  7. Ground Up Pushups
  8. Bottoms Up Squats
  9. Hopping Push Ups
  10. Jump Squats

Video: This was going to be a short vid but I decided to put in a few different camera angles just for the fun of it.

34th workout of the year, 3/30/2011.

Music: Days of the New. T-Shirt: Cook’s Place. “Crusin’ with Cook’s”.

Since we had a week off everyone got a bit sore from the last workout. Interesting how people get sore in different places.

Today we revisit the one dumbbell complex. We’ve done something similar in the past but it has been quite a while.

Using the single dumbbell really stimulates the core as well as everything else.

Yep…we should do this one more often!

Warm up? Not today. We’ll just jump right in it!

Meat of the workout: One Arm Dumbbell Complex

12 Movements. Most done unilaterally. We did 2 cycles

Weight…whatever is a bit uncomfortable. Yep I said uncomfortable.

  1. DB clean to shoulder and squat 1×5 each side
  2. DB clean to shoulder and overhead press 1×5 each side
  3. DB clean to shoulder, squat and overhead press 1×5 each side
  4. DB clean to shoulder and lunge 1×5 each side
  5. DB clean to shoulder, overhead press and lunge 1×5 each side
  6. DB clean to shoulder, overhead press and squat 1×5 each side
  7. DB goblet squat 1×15
  8. Walk with DB overhead 25 yards each side
  9. Walk with DB at shoulder 25 yards each side
  10. Walk with DB at side 25 yards each side
  11. DB goblet curls 1×15
  12. DB Hammer curls 1×15 each side

Next: We had some time left in the back so we’ll do something else we haven’t done  in a while.

Single leg chair squats

50 reps each leg

Next: Some core/ab stuff.

Heck all the unilateral dumbbell moves really hit the core so why are we doing more?

Well because we still had a few minutes to hit an hour and I knew we could knock these out.

  1. Crunches 100
  2. Full Leg Raises 100
