Posts Tagged ‘Chuck Norris’

48th workout of the year, 5/4/2011.

Music: Jackyl and Pure Funk. T-Shirt: UFC.

Decided to make something simple a little complicated (not too much) but not boring. There were some exercises we have done before…some we haven’t. And we have never tied these things together like we did today.

13 Stations (the video says only 12, whoops!). 10 Reps Each Station For 3 Cycles

  1. Squat On Bozu Down
  2. Squat On Bozu Up
  3. Squat On Discs
  4. Squat On AirEx
  5. Squat On Half Roll
  6. Squat On Incline Board
  7. Squats Close
  8. Squats Toes Up
  9. Squats Wide
  10. Squats Ball Overhead
  11. Squats Ball In Front
  12. Squats Ball Between Knees
  13. Squat On Balance Board


11 Stations, 10 Reps Each Station For 3 Cycles

  1. Bridge On Incline Board
  2. Bridge Toes Up
  3. Bridge On Medicine Ball (Large)
  4. Bridge On Medicine Ball (Small)
  5. Bridge One Foot On Med Ball
  6. Bridge On Half Roll
  7. Bridge On Balance Board
  8. Bridge On AirEx
  9. Bridge On Discs
  10. Bridge On Bosu Up
  11. Bridge On Bosu Down


12 Stations, 6 Reps Each Station For 3 Cycles

  1. Push Up On Theraball On Wall
  2. Push Up On Medicine Ball
  3. Push Up Plyo On Med Ball
  4. Push Up On Half Roll
  5. Push Up On Balance Board
  6. Push Up On AirEx
  7. Push Up On Discs
  8. Push Up On Bosu Up
  9. Push Up On Bosu Down
  10. Push Up Hands Wide
  11. Push Up Hands Close
  12. Push Up On Small Med Ball


This is the workout for 10/6/2010.

Yep another sweaty day.

The fun started while people were trickling in…talking about how the last workout made them so sore.

Really interesting how some folks get sore a lot, some a little and some in completely different areas.

No rhyme or reason about  this stuff. Sure I guess I could make up a reason that sounded plausible but I don’t mind saying “I don’t know”. Matter of fact I say it much more often now than I ever did before.  And in the long run…it doesn’t matter.

Music: Rick Wakeman‘s Journey to the Center of the Earth. It was released in 1974 and actually sold 14 million copies! While an interesting piece we won’t be hearing it again at JONESERCISE.

T-Shirt: Facts You Need To Know About Chuck Norris.

First: We started the day off with some core/ab work using medicine balls  just to get the blood flowing.10 balls.

  1. Sit up, tap the ball side to side and over the head. 5 reps and pass the ball to the right.
  2. Seated Leg Raises with the ball overhead. 10 reps and pass the ball to the right.
  3. Lemon Squeezers with ball. 10 reps and pass the ball to the right.

Second: Squat Jumps. 10 sets of 10…yep, 100 reps.

Third: A “Super Set”. First the squats then the push ups. (Total reps: 100 single leg squats and 100 push ups.) 5 cycles of:

  1. Single Leg Squats 20 reps each leg
  2. Feet elevated Chair 1 leg push up 10 reps each leg

Fourth: More Core. We didn’t really need to do more but we did have a few more minutes to burn!

  1. Get up Sit Ups 20 reps
  2. Plank Position to Push Up Position 20 reps
  3. Plank to Side Plank 20 reps
  4. Superman 30 seconds
  5. Flying Squirrel 30 seconds
  6. Mid Position Push Up Hold 1 minute
  7. Crunches 100
  8. Seated Leg Raises 100

And the video:

And I thought Chuck Norris was a bad ass.

Enter Jack LaLanne.

In 1956 at the age of 42 he set a world record of 1,033 push-ups in 23 minutes.

In 1959 at the age 45 he did 1,000 jumping jacks and 1,000 chin-ups in 1 hour 22 minutes.

Freaking amazing! At any age. At any time!

Jack had an exercise show in the 60’s that was geared toward women.

At that time women were the ones at home. He preached a lot about the values of regular exercise and eating correctly.

Just think if everyone listened to him we would have less health problems today!

I remember some of his routines were done with a chair. So I decided to create a chair workout as a tribute to Jack LaLanne.

However this chair workout has a Jonesercise twist to it…it’s extremely intense.

The workout for 9/13/2010. Music: Probot. T-Shirt: Superman.

Chair workout: 14 Exercises, 4 cycles, 80 total sets, 1080 total reps.

  1. Incline Push-ups 15
  2. Decline Push-ups 15
  3. Triceps Dips 15
  4. Chair Burpees 10
  5. One Leg Squats 20
  6. One Leg Squats/Leg On Chair 20
  7. One Leg Hop On Chair 20
  8. Step-ups 10
  9. 90/90 Chair Crunches 15
  10. Hip Bridge 15
  11. Side Crunches 10
  12. Chair Squats 20
  13. Quick Leg Swings Chair 10
  14. Leg Raises 15

The first cycle wasn’t too bad. I actually was wondering if we would do this again. The second cycle was done faster than the first so it was more promising but still not too bad.

The last two cycles totally sucked! Talk about a body buster. It took a lot of physical and also mental strength to get through the last two!

And the video:

And for those who don’t remember Jack!

This is the workout for 5/10/2010.

After the past 4 workouts emphasizing the posterior chain of muscles I figured it was time to get back to some other things to shock the body…not that it doesn’t get shocked every workout!

So I decided to do a couple of exercise circuits. Tough workout!

Music by: Barenaked Ladies. T-Shirt: Chuck Norris…of course! For some fun Chuck Norris “facts” click here.

Warm Up: Well we didn’t do a “formal” warm up…oh well guess we’ll survive!

Circuit One: 6 exercises. 3 cycles. 30 seconds at each station for max reps. Only rest is getting to the next station.

  1. DB Incline Presses
  2. Bosu Squats
  3. Side Laterals
  4. Laying Pull Ups
  5. Plate Overhead Sidebends
  6. Quick Feet Step Ups

Circuit Two: 8 exercises. 2 cycles. 30 seconds at each station for max reps. Only rest is getting to the next station. Why? Because it is effective!

  1. Plate Raises
  2. Parallette Push Ups
  3. Tband Triceps Extension
  4. BB Curls
  5. DB Triceps Extension
  6. Ab pullins on slide board
  7. Wall Sits
  8. Ball in front squats

Core/Abs Medicine Ball Circuit: 8 Balls

Sit up/Ball side to side for 5 reps then pass the ball to the right.

Sit up/Ball side to side for 5 reps then pass the ball to the left.

Seated Leg Raises holding the ball overhead for 10 reps then passing the ball to the right.

And the video:

Chuck Norris: Evolution

Posted: May 7, 2010 in Chuck Norris

There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of animals Chuck Norris allows to live.

Chuck Norris: Big Bang

Posted: May 6, 2010 in Chuck Norris

Scientists have estimated that the energy given off during the Big Bang is roughly equal to 1CNRhK (Chuck Norris Roundhouse Kick)

Chuck Norris: Swimming

Posted: May 6, 2010 in Chuck Norris

Chuck Norris is expected to win gold in every swimming competition at the Olympics, even though Chuck Norris does not swim.

This is because when Chuck Norris enters the water, the water gets out of his way and Chuck Norris simply sprints across the pool floor.