Posts Tagged ‘Tshirts’

72nd workout of the 7/11/2011.

Music: Five Finger Death Punch. T-Shirt: JONESERCISE.

Oh yeah! Still feeling the abs from the last workout. Can’t believe how long the sensation has lingered.

Will be doing that one again…that is after we add some more stuff to it.

But in the mean time we have today’s workout.

Time to get back on the circuit cycle!

First: Circuit Training

12 Exercises, 30 Sec Each Station, Max Reps for 3 Cycles

Yep 3 Cycles!

DB Incline Press

Inverted Row

Vertimax Laterals

Push Ups Feet Elevated

BB Curls

Ball on the Wall Push Ups

Plate Raises

Ab Pullins

Bosu Squats

“L” Sits

Step Run

Weighted Jump Rope

Second: Core/Abs

Bridge Holds 5 Minutes

Stay up for 30 sec/down/right back up.

Seated Leg Raise 5 Minutes

Stay up for 30 sec/down/right back up.


59th workout of the year, 6/6/2011.

Music: The Beatles. T-Shirt: The Beatles.

The All Core Saturday took its toll on everyone involved.

Exactly as planned…or unplanned that is.

Today we are going to “re-purpose” a workout we did in the past.

What do I mean “re-purpose”?

Make it harder!

Warm Up:

No…again not today. Straight to the Sweatfest!

This still seems kinda easy on paper. But add up the reps before you try it. No need. Simple math. I’ll do it for you.

Total Ground Up Push Ups: 400.

Total Leg Reps: 800.

This will totally blast the upper and lower body.

8 Types of Leg Work.

While the legs get a rest the upper gets blasted with the push ups.

  • Chair Lunges 50 Each Leg
  •                  50 Ground Up Push Ups
  • Chair Jump Squats 100
  •             50 Ground Up Push Ups
  • Hopping Lunges 50 each leg
  •             50 Ground up Push ups
  • Short Lunges 50 reps each leg
  •             50 Ground up Push ups
  • Single leg squats 50
  •             50 Ground up Push ups
  • Step-ups on chair 50
  •             50 Ground up Push ups
  • Long Lunges 50 reps each leg
  •             50 Ground up Push ups
  • Squats 100
  •             50 Ground up Push ups



Not today!



55th workout of the year, 5/28/2011.

Music: Funk Mix. T-Shirt: Warrior Dash.

This is the first workout since doing all the lunges 5 days ago.

Man! The legs were toast for days. There was still some residual soreness today!

So are we gonna by pass the legs today? Hell no! We’re gonna jump right in there!

First: Jump Squats and Incline Push Ups

I guess you could call this a bit of a warm up. Of course to some people this would have been a workout.

That’s because we did 5 sets of 20 Reps Each. Count ’em…100 reps for each movement.

Second: One Leg Squats and Decline Push Ups

You could call this a continuation of the warm up or just another days workout. Or you could just call it craziness!

Try to do 5 sets of 10 like we did. Come on try it!

Third: Unconventional Circuit Training

9 Stations, 30 Seconds Each Station

Maximum Reps, 5 Cycles

We don’t like to rest. The only rest we take is going from one exercise to another.

Bozu Squats

Crunches on Ball

Weighted Jump Rope

Leg Raises

One Leg Squats

Stool Racers

Bosu Push Ups

Reverse Leg Raises



53rd workout of the year, 5/21/2011.

Music: Classic Rock Mix. T-Shirt: Everyday is Training Day.

Is this just another lazy Saturday morning? No!

It’s time for an encore of All Core Saturday!

Warm Up: 

Agility Ladder Drills

Here they are again: The Ladder!

After a Friday night at various eateries and drinkeries sometimes you just gotta have a warm up.

Next: Medicine Ball Core Work

And nothing but! 20 Different exercises with 6 balls from 6 – 12 pounds.

After finishing the reps for each ball we pass it to the right until we get the ball we started with.

The ones marked with an * are movements we’ve never done.

  1. Sit Up/Twists 5 Reps
  2. Seated Leg Raises Ball Overhead 10 Reps
  3. Seated Leg Raises Ball Overhead in one hand 5 Reps Each Hand
  4. Lemon Squeezers Ball in Front 10 Reps
  5. Crunches Ball Up the Middle 10 Reps
  6. On Side Side Crunches 5 Reps Each Side*
  7. Crunches Ball Overhead in one hand 5 Reps Each Hand
  8. Leg Raises Ball in Outstretched Arms 10 Reps
  9. Leg Raises Ball in Outstretched Arm 5 Reps Each Side*
  10. 4 Count Sit Up 10 Reps*
  11. Ball Overhead Flutter Kick 10 Reps Each Side
  12. Seated Foot to Ball 5 Reps Each Side
  13. Side Crunches 5 Reps Each Side
  14. Jackknife Ball to Feet 10 Reps
  15. Side Jackknife Ball to Feet 5 Reps Each Side*
  16. Feet Wide Ball to each foot 5 Reps Each Side
  17. Prone Back Extensions Knees Straight 10 Reps
  18. Prone Back Extensions Knees Bent 10 Reps*
  19. Seated Leg Raise Ball Between Feet 10 Reps*
  20. Hand to Feet Jackknife 5 Reps*


52nd workout of the year, 5/18/2011.

Music: Collective Soul. T-Shirt: Late Night with Tony Robbins.

We survived all the running conditioning work…well kinda.

So this time we did a whole different kind of conditioning…Controlled Chaotic Conditioning!

At least that is what it looks like on the video.

This will be a short post for such a devastating workout!

Warm Up:

Agility Ladder Drills

You seen them before and you’ll see them again. Just a quick way to get moving.

Next: Variety of Stuff…

No scheduled rest periods…just til you get to the next station.

We were supposed to do 5 Cycles. We did but some of us thought we actually did 6 cycles. That’s how tough it was. We just couldn’t keep track!

10 Exercises 5 Cycles (With a boatload o reps!)

Leg Raises 25 (Total 125)

DB Curls 10 (Total 50)

Alternate Hand/Foot  25 (Total 125)

Walkout Push Ups 10 (Total 50)

Squats 20 Ball In Front (Total 100)

Squats 20 Ball Overhead (Total 100)

Bosu Push Ups 15 (Total 75)

Burpees 10 (Total 50)

Crunches 25 (Total 125)

2 Move Ball Slams 5 (Total Slams 50)


34th workout of the year, 3/30/2011.

Music: Days of the New. T-Shirt: Cook’s Place. “Crusin’ with Cook’s”.

Since we had a week off everyone got a bit sore from the last workout. Interesting how people get sore in different places.

Today we revisit the one dumbbell complex. We’ve done something similar in the past but it has been quite a while.

Using the single dumbbell really stimulates the core as well as everything else.

Yep…we should do this one more often!

Warm up? Not today. We’ll just jump right in it!

Meat of the workout: One Arm Dumbbell Complex

12 Movements. Most done unilaterally. We did 2 cycles

Weight…whatever is a bit uncomfortable. Yep I said uncomfortable.

  1. DB clean to shoulder and squat 1×5 each side
  2. DB clean to shoulder and overhead press 1×5 each side
  3. DB clean to shoulder, squat and overhead press 1×5 each side
  4. DB clean to shoulder and lunge 1×5 each side
  5. DB clean to shoulder, overhead press and lunge 1×5 each side
  6. DB clean to shoulder, overhead press and squat 1×5 each side
  7. DB goblet squat 1×15
  8. Walk with DB overhead 25 yards each side
  9. Walk with DB at shoulder 25 yards each side
  10. Walk with DB at side 25 yards each side
  11. DB goblet curls 1×15
  12. DB Hammer curls 1×15 each side

Next: We had some time left in the back so we’ll do something else we haven’t done  in a while.

Single leg chair squats

50 reps each leg

Next: Some core/ab stuff.

Heck all the unilateral dumbbell moves really hit the core so why are we doing more?

Well because we still had a few minutes to hit an hour and I knew we could knock these out.

  1. Crunches 100
  2. Full Leg Raises 100


This is the workout for 10/13/2010.

Oh yeah this was a tough one! It was so sic it just about made me sick.

I had to have a tough workout today because I was wearing my new Synergy Athletics t-shirt courtesy of Joe Hashey, CSCS. I had to deliver respect! Joe’s got a web site full of great information for athletes/coaches to reach their highest potential.

This also was going to be the last workout for a week so it had to be memorable.

Music: Rob Zombie. Slipknot. T-Shirt: Synergy Athletics.

First: DB Push Press Ladder.

We’ve done this one before and it never seems easy…which is why we do it again.

No need to do easy stuff.

We lined up all the dumbbells from the rack from 5 pounders to the 65s. 13 sets. We start at the 5’s with 5 reps and kept moving forward…getting heavier and heavier. The lighter stuff takes care of the warm up. (At least that’s what I tell myself.) After everyone knocked out 13 sets then we started back down the ladder.

Second: Time to knock out some legs. We started off with Single Leg Squat Variations. We did 34 reps on each one.

  1. ¼ At the Top
  2. ¼ From the Bottom
  3. Full Range

Third: So what better thing to do after knocking out the legs one at a time?

Well how about both legs together? Works for us! So time for some Squat variations. We did another 34 reps at each stage.

  1. Rock Bottom
  2. Upper Portion
  3. Full Range

Fourth: Medicine ball drill

Sprawl, knee to ball (1 to each side), push up, jump then ball slam, 3 times each ball.

We had 11 balls. Checkout the video. It will make more sense.

Fifth: Plate Core/Abs. The tough stuff continues.

Standing Plate Core (3 x 5):

  1. Plate Pullthroughs
  2. Plate Twist With Pause in Middle
  3. Plate Overhead Twist Plate to Hip

Lying Plate Core:

  1. Seated Twists Feet Up 3 x 10
  2. Sit Up Plate Side-to-Side 3 x 5
  3. Plate to Toes 3 x 10

Sixth: As if we really needed anything else to do…we finished off with a “suicide drill” using furniture sliders.

But we added 5 Burpees at each turn a round.

Yes I slept well.

And the complete video!

This is the workout for 5/10/2010.

After the past 4 workouts emphasizing the posterior chain of muscles I figured it was time to get back to some other things to shock the body…not that it doesn’t get shocked every workout!

So I decided to do a couple of exercise circuits. Tough workout!

Music by: Barenaked Ladies. T-Shirt: Chuck Norris…of course! For some fun Chuck Norris “facts” click here.

Warm Up: Well we didn’t do a “formal” warm up…oh well guess we’ll survive!

Circuit One: 6 exercises. 3 cycles. 30 seconds at each station for max reps. Only rest is getting to the next station.

  1. DB Incline Presses
  2. Bosu Squats
  3. Side Laterals
  4. Laying Pull Ups
  5. Plate Overhead Sidebends
  6. Quick Feet Step Ups

Circuit Two: 8 exercises. 2 cycles. 30 seconds at each station for max reps. Only rest is getting to the next station. Why? Because it is effective!

  1. Plate Raises
  2. Parallette Push Ups
  3. Tband Triceps Extension
  4. BB Curls
  5. DB Triceps Extension
  6. Ab pullins on slide board
  7. Wall Sits
  8. Ball in front squats

Core/Abs Medicine Ball Circuit: 8 Balls

Sit up/Ball side to side for 5 reps then pass the ball to the right.

Sit up/Ball side to side for 5 reps then pass the ball to the left.

Seated Leg Raises holding the ball overhead for 10 reps then passing the ball to the right.

And the video:

This is the workout for May 5, 2010.

Another day where the emphasis is on the posterior chain of muscles. Remember this is where you get an abundance of strength and power.

In everyday language today was another Thigh and Butt day!

I wanted to continue with this theme because I still had more exercises to do or try out. Some of the exercises are similar and of course some are different.

Music and T-Shirt: AC/DC.

Warm Up: Inchworms and Crab Walk, both for 25 yards. This crab walk is a bit different. You try to keep your hips up as parallel to the floor as possible. This really kicks in the hamstrings, glutes and lower back. And obviously makes the move tougher. Yeah it looks goofy but hey it works!  This is the first time we did it this way. It now goes on the list of exercises we’ll do again!

Next: Lots of Lunges with weights. Long Lunges with dumbbells and Short Lunges with dumbbells, both for 25 yards. This was capped off with Long Twisting Plate Lunges for 50 yards.

Next:Short Lunge Hops 3 sets of 5 on each leg. This can be a challenging exercise…especially after all the lunges that came before it. You simply get in a short lunge position and hop as quick as you can. You are not going for height.

Next: More stuff to burn the quads, hams and glutes!

  1. Short Lunges 50 reps each leg.
  2. Wide Squats with Gold Theraband 50 reps.
  3. Wide Prisoner Squats with Gold Theraband 50 reps.
  4. Feet Together Squats 50 reps.

Next: Thigh, Butt and Posterior Chain Circuit. 6 exercises. All done for 30 seconds and Max reps for 3 cycles.

  1. Hip (Butt) Extension on table. You may call this a “rear leg raise”. Or heck you could call if Fred if you want to!
  2. Hip (Butt) Extension on ball.
  3. Bridge Hold.
  4. Dumbbell Bridge Reachbacks.
  5. Hip (Butt) Extension standing.
  6. Stool walks or stool scoots. Looks like nothing…burns like fire!

Core Stuff: Used the bands a lot here to get a little more hip exercise at the same time as the core. Adds a whole other dynamic.

  1. Table with Band for one minute.
  2. 3 legged Table with Band for 30 seconds on each side.
  3. 3 legged Table with leg high for 30 seconds on each side.
  4. Up the middle crunches with band 50 reps.
  5. Leg Raises with band 50 reps.
  6. Flying Squirrel with band 30 seconds.
  7. Superman with band 30 seconds.

And the video:

More Furniture Slides, Push Up/Squat Variations…yep more stuff!

Everyone was sore from the last workout. Everyone had “spots” of soreness but in common were the abs. Our regular ab ending wasn’t so hard but the new exercises with the furniture slides and the standing knee to elbow stuff really hit the spot(s).

Music by: Yngwie Malmsteen…shreds! T-shirt: Random TapouT t-shirt!

First Thing: We’re experimenting with furniture slides again. Still don’t have catchy names for the stuff yet. Today was different than last time. I call these “Stiff Legged Toe Crawls”. Instead of putting the slides under the toes they go under your palms. You then get in a push up position and “toe walk”. We did 25 yards, backwards and forwards.

Second Thing: Sled Push. 3 sets of 25 yards, adding weight with each run. We also did 10 Cobra push ups at the end of each run…just to add some more stuff! The guys started with 105 pounds and ended with 205. The girls started with 75 pounds and ended with 125.

Third Thing: 7 Push Up Variations. 10 reps each for 2 cycles

  • On Bosu Upside Down
  • On Air Ex Pad
  • Plyo Push Up w/Medicine Ball
  • On Balance Discs
  • On Theraball
  • Feet on Theraball
  • Bosu

Fourth Thing: 6 Squat variations. 10 reps each. 2 cycles.

  • On Bosu Upside Down
  • On Air Ex Pad
  • On Incline Box
  • On Balance Discs
  • With Medicine Ball Overhead
  • Bosu

Fifth Thing: Shoulder Burns. 20 Movements. 30 sec each movement. Max Reps. A couple of us used a little weight.

  1. Military Press
  2. Small circles forward
  3. Small circles backward
  4. Pinches up
  5. Pinches down
  6. Shoulder Abduction
  7. Wrist curls up
  8. Wrist curls down
  9. Wrist curls sideways
  10. External/Internal rotation
  11. Bent elbows front
  12. Bent elbows overhead
  13. Straight arm front palms down Swinging sideways
  14. Straight arm front palms up Swinging sideways
  15. Straight arm front palms down up and down
  16. Straight arm front palms up – up and down
  17. Push aways
  18. Shoulder “Ys”
  19. Shoulder “Ts”
  20. Clap overhead

Followed by 20 regular push ups.

Abbie Dabbies: The abs are already sore. What the heck lets do some more!

  • Knees to Elbows 50
  • Leg Raises 50
  • Up the Middle Crunches 50
  • Alternate Hand to Foot 25 each side
  • Reverse Crunches 50

And the video: