Posts Tagged ‘beach body’

53rd workout of the year, 5/21/2011.

Music: Classic Rock Mix. T-Shirt: Everyday is Training Day.

Is this just another lazy Saturday morning? No!

It’s time for an encore of All Core Saturday!

Warm Up: 

Agility Ladder Drills

Here they are again: The Ladder!

After a Friday night at various eateries and drinkeries sometimes you just gotta have a warm up.

Next: Medicine Ball Core Work

And nothing but! 20 Different exercises with 6 balls from 6 – 12 pounds.

After finishing the reps for each ball we pass it to the right until we get the ball we started with.

The ones marked with an * are movements we’ve never done.

  1. Sit Up/Twists 5 Reps
  2. Seated Leg Raises Ball Overhead 10 Reps
  3. Seated Leg Raises Ball Overhead in one hand 5 Reps Each Hand
  4. Lemon Squeezers Ball in Front 10 Reps
  5. Crunches Ball Up the Middle 10 Reps
  6. On Side Side Crunches 5 Reps Each Side*
  7. Crunches Ball Overhead in one hand 5 Reps Each Hand
  8. Leg Raises Ball in Outstretched Arms 10 Reps
  9. Leg Raises Ball in Outstretched Arm 5 Reps Each Side*
  10. 4 Count Sit Up 10 Reps*
  11. Ball Overhead Flutter Kick 10 Reps Each Side
  12. Seated Foot to Ball 5 Reps Each Side
  13. Side Crunches 5 Reps Each Side
  14. Jackknife Ball to Feet 10 Reps
  15. Side Jackknife Ball to Feet 5 Reps Each Side*
  16. Feet Wide Ball to each foot 5 Reps Each Side
  17. Prone Back Extensions Knees Straight 10 Reps
  18. Prone Back Extensions Knees Bent 10 Reps*
  19. Seated Leg Raise Ball Between Feet 10 Reps*
  20. Hand to Feet Jackknife 5 Reps*
