Posts Tagged ‘black sabbath’

Jonesing for JONESERCISE? Well we decided to raise the bar a bit more today. This is the JONESERCISE workout for 2/10/2010.

There was nothing easy about this at all. There were some periods where it may have even got a bit boring but that feeling left quickly because of the exhaustion that crept in.

The workout on paper was simple…3 exercises…20 sets of each exercise…25 reps every time…total of 500 reps each for body-weight squats, push ups and burpees…1500 reps total. We did something similar to this a few weeks ago: Today was harder just because we did more.

People ask “Why?” We just say “Why not?” It’s just a challenge. There is a physical challenge but also a mental one as well. You do a couple of cycles of the exercises and realize you have 18 cycles left to complete. Hell the push ups and squats tended to be rest period for the burpees!! This shows that you can get an excellent conditioning effect with only body-weight exercises.

We had a smaller group than usual (8). Some folks had other obligations…others may have gotten wind of what was on the agenda.  5 completed the task. 2 people had to leave for other commitments but got in just over 400 reps per exercise. Another is still new at this stuff so not expected to partake in all the insanity.

This was another work out that would take you to the limits of keeping your lunch down…and there is a clip in the video where I almost lose it. Just another day of JONESERCISING. Oh yeah…Music by Black Sabbath “Master of  Reality” and Johnny Winter And Live! T-shirt by Grand Funk Railroad.

And the video: