JONESERCISE started in 2008 or 2009. I can’t remember the exact day but we started filming in 2009.

How did this happen?

Well…a friend from college (Randy) says he is out of shape. Me? Heck, I had been perpetually starting over for 3 years.

What were we going to do? Just lifting weights would have been the easy way out. Been there. Done that. And by the way…done that fairly well.


The JONESERCISE blog evolved because another friend of mine (Floyd) moved to Michigan and asked about creating a program for him.

I decided to just blog/film our workouts instead…and here you go!

What kind of “training” is it?

Well…It ain’t easy…it ain’t fun…well, maybe it is a bit.

We do something different every time we meet. In a way it’s kind of like “playing” like when we were growing up. You went outside and just did stuff. Sometimes a pick up game of football, baseball, softball, basketball…whatever season was in at the time. Other times just riding a bike, skateboarding, or climbing trees.

In other words, back then we never knew what we were going to do from day to day…but we did know we would be “playing”.

So this is essentially “adults at play”.

So what happened? Randy reached his goal…dropped 40lb. Me? Started to get back to the old me…or is that a “young” me.

We try to make it as intense as possible. After all if it was easy anyone could do it. We do a combination of circuits, high intensity intervals, or just plain nutty stuff.

I try to stimulate the body in as many areas as I can thing of…flexibility, strength, endurance, vestibular, ocular, functional…just a bit of anything/everything.

If it’s too easy we don’t do it again…why bother?

And who is doing it? It has grown to a group of about 10 – 15 people…invitation only. Some have stuck to it…a lot haven’t. I can tell you this there have been high school and college scholarship athletes that have not been able to keep up…we think that is very cool…especially since the oldest of our group is 67 and the youngest is 40. And we do have several girls in the group, most over 50.

Average Age: 58…

Age is not an indicator of what you can or can’t do…your mind is.

And who am I? I’m Bill Jones. An orthopedic/sports physical therapist with years of experience helping athletes in their training, therapy and nutritional needs. I’m an author, certified sports nutritionist, and specialize in orthopedics and spine therapy.

I also have been a certified personal trainer, certified strength and conditioning specialist, and licensed massage therapist. A former bodybuilder turned martial artist turned marathoner.

I’ve always wanted to “Change the World”. I never knew how I could. Now I do. I can “Change My World…One Training Day At A Time”.

You know what…you could too.

  1. Roger Conner says:

    Like what I’ve seen so far Bill. Proud of what you’ve done here. I know you will succeed in reaching not only your fitness goals, but your satisfaction goals of accomplishment. Congrats!!!!

  2. Roger says:

    I have been out of the gym for way too long and have been thinking a lot lately about my own mortality and know I must take action to control my physical wellness. I am going to start using some of the routines in your videos, but would like your opinion as to were any of those participating in the group overweight when they started with you or were they already working out regularly before hand. I’m sick and tired of how out of shape I’ve allowed life to get me in and I’m in need of a kick in the ass to get it reversed. At 53 and 275 lbs I know I can’t jump in and do what I used to, but I know there is a way. Can you guide me?

  3. Bill Jones says:

    Sure Roger. Actually it all started with me and Randy…he was at 240 and now at 198. He still wants 190. One of the others was at 242 or 248 and he is down to 207…looking for 200. Me…I was about 198. Now I don’t mind 198 if I am in shape but I wasn’t. So I got as low as 177. Not bad but losing weight wasn’t my goal as much as looking better, feeling better and being healthier.

    One of the girls didn’t lose any weight but her body fat dropped from 25% last year to 18% without changing her eating habits. Pretty cool!

    By the way…Randy and I are the oldest in the group. He’s 50 and I am 52 and our goal is always to smoke the rest or each other!

    Basically you just got to get started. You have. That is the hardest part. You’ve been there before so you know you can get there again.

    Just doesn’t happen overnight. Let me know if you have any specific questions!!

    Good to hear from you again!

  4. Jim Quinlan says:

    Great info.

    I’ve killed myself with something similar to your “500 the new 300, the Tabata (sp?) Protocols.

    If you have your health, you have everything. You are doing some good here, I am sure.

  5. Bill Jones says:

    Hey thanks for stopping by! The Tabata stuff can be killers if you really max them out. We include that “style” from time to time. Most recently in this post:

    Ultimate Conditioning: Tougher Than 300

  6. Shannon Dew says:

    Hey Bill, I’m a friend of Chris Ray’s…do you have any room in your group? I’m the friend that had shoulder surgery for the torn rotator cuff last fall and I’ve been struggling to regain my conditioning without reinjuring my shoulder.


    • Bill Jones says:

      Shannon. Thanks for stopping by the blog. I emailed you a few days ago about your shoulder and coming by.

  7. I have been out of the gym for way too long and have been thinking a lot lately about my own mortality and know I must take action to control my physical wellness. I am going to start using some of the routines in your videos, but would like your opinion as to were any of those participating in the group overweight when they started with you or were they already working out regularly before hand. I’m sick and tired of how out of shape I’ve allowed life to get me in and I’m in need of a kick in the ass to get it reversed. At 53 and 275 lbs I know I can’t jump in and do what I used to, but I know there is a way. Can you guide me?

    • Bill Jones says:

      Several were overweight. It’s a matter of being consistent. You just have to start somewhere. Activity would be the first place to start. I wouldn’t worry about “diet”…well not yet anyway. One thing at a time.

      By the way we have 4 people over 50. Several over 40.

      Thanks for stopping by and please come by again!

  8. Matt Henderson says:

    “Now I don’t mind 198 if I am in shape but I wasn’t. So I got as low as 177.” –Bill Jones

    Bill, just curious, because I know how high you set your own bar. What was “out of shape” for you? What did that mean at the time? I hated missing tonight. See you next time.

    I am a whopping 245lbs. I’d like to get down to 200—210.


    • Bill Jones says:

      My “out of shape” could be “in shape” for someone else. You are really only “competing” against yourself. No matter what: You can always get better. Always.

      • Matt Henderson says:

        Thanks Bill. I am sure your “out” was most folks’ “in.” But you are right…I know…I teach that way about advancing in the martial arts. Funny how people sometimes drop the core truths of their lives, when tackling a difficult project. I will drill that in my head. Best regards, and RESPECT! M

  9. Melanie says:

    Hey bill
    Trying to connect!!
    Can u email me??

  10. Belinda johnson says:

    Bill where are you located? I’m interested for my husband and myself. Do you have availability and what are the times?

    • Bill Jones says:

      Sorry so late with this reply. Heck about a year late! I’ve got some catching up to do! We do this 3 times a week. Monday and Wednesday at 6:00 pm and Saturday mornings at 9:00 am. Gonna be chilly tomorrow morning!

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